My Account
Includes sites covering the business and economic activities of the Genesee County region; including listings of companies and industries.
Sites listed here have a physical location in more than one locality. Businesses with one location should be submitted to the proper city.
This category contains Genesee County real estate websites... primarily agents, brokers, appraisers, developers, inspectors, title services, lease properties, and guides with useful real estate related resources.
Please Submit to only one category - the one where your business is located, as your site will only be listed once - and use the following formatting:

Title for agents: Agent Name - Company Name
Title for companies: Company Name
Description: Services offered, areas of service, and features on the site such as virtual tours and online forms.

Once the site is listed, please do not submit again unless your site changes substantially, such as virtual tours are added or the agency name or location changes. If this occurs, please use the "Update URL" option to notify us.

Retail businesses selling consumer items. Specialized items for sale sites such as machinery, vehicles, construction materials, etc, will usually be listed under their specific industry category and may be linked to this category.
Businesses that offer only online, phone, or mail order sales will not be listed in Regional Shopping categories, with three exceptions:
(1) In countries other than the US, the B&E/Shopping category at the national level may contain online shopping sites that ship only in that country.
(2) Businesses that offer sales online or by phone/mail only to customers in a limited geographic area (example: online grocery delivery services) may be listed in a category corresponding to their sales area.
(3) Online shopping companies that have a substantial local presence (for example, as an employer) in the city where they base their operations may be considered for listing in that city. For example, may be listed in Seattle, Washington, USA. (Note that many online retailers also maintain a bricks-and-mortar retail outlet as part of their operations base.)