Cannon Falls is located on the banks of the Cannon River in Goodhue County, approximately 35 miles south of the Twin Cities and an equal distance north of Rochester. Founded in the mid-19th century, the city has grown to about 3,500 people, including an increasing number of commuters to Twin Cities jobs.
Please submit here sites that provide general information about Cannon Falls, Minnesota. If your site is more appropriate for one of the subcategories of this category (such as "Business_and_Economy"), the site will be listed in the more precise subcategory. You can streamline the review process by submitting it directly to that subcategory.
Doctors, hospitals, mental health professionals, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, alternative medicine practitioners, and other sites related to health care in Cannon Falls.
This category is for doctors, hospitals, mental health professionals, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, alternative medicine practitioners, and other sites related to health care in Cannon Falls.
Sites related to the social life of Cannon Falls, including religion, clubs, genealogy, and personal homepages.
Submit here if your club or organization is based in Cannon Falls and draws its membership primarily from Cannon Falls. Chapters or lodges that cover a broader portion of the region are better suited to the Counties/Goodhue or Regions/Southeastern categories.