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Lincoln is the state capital that houses the legislative body (unicameral) in the state capital building, which is renowned for its marvelous architecture. The city has a population around 225,000 citizens, which is second only to Omaha. The city is located in the southeastern part of the state, but is not near the Platte River nor the Missour River. Major industries include state government, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, banking, information technology, insurance, and goods transport. The weather in Lincoln is quite unpredictable with extremes of high and low temperatures throughout the year. It is even quite variable from day to day. The land geography of Lincoln is generally flat with some hilliness in the eastern part of the city. The history of Lincoln began as a town built around a salt mine. Later on, there was a disagreement on whether to place the state's capital in Omaha or Lincoln. It was originally in Omaha, but was moved to Lincoln, later on.
Please submit in this category only those sites that apply specifically to the city of Lincoln.

Topics may include, but are not limited to local businesses, restaurants, news, entertainment, historical information, city maps and sports.

If the webpage describes an area larger than Lincoln, but fits within the county surrounding Lincoln, please submit that site to the Lancaster County category.

On the other hand, if the site is concerned with the entire state of Nebraska, such as a business with multiple locations within the state, then submit that site to the best fit subcategory in the Nebraska category.
Include those sites that include information and sample paintings, photos, sculpture and other media.
Category includes webpages about companies that are in business to make a profit that have business locations or online businesses with limited service areas restricted to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. These include, but are not limited to companies that specialize in manufacturing, retail sales, legal services, banking, real estate brokers and transportation of goods.
Submit sites here only, if there are locations that are restricted within the city of Lincoln.

Webpages about businesses that have several locations only in Nebraska should be submitted to the Nebraska: Business and Economy.

Companies that offer products online to a large area of the United States or more should be submitted to the best fit subcategory in Shopping.

This category is for websites about health-related information, professional health services, institutions, and organizations that are based in or related to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Topics for this category include hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, physicians, dentists, opticians, chiropractors, psychologists, counselors, emergency services, and providers
of alternative medicine services.

Also includes organizations focused on specific conditions and diseases, as well as providers of living accommodations for those with health-related conditions.

For sites specifically geared about the city of Lincoln. Submitting a site relevant to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.

Pages about healthcare products should be submitted to the Lincoln/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Health_Products.

This category is for websites about various forms of lodging. Topics include hotels, motels, hostels, resorts, timeshares, vacation rentals, inns, and bed-and-breakfast establishments.

Submit to the appropriate subcategory when present. This category is reserved for entities physically located in this locality. To find a different locality, navigate to the list of localities under the name of this state.

Note: Each lodging facility may receive one listing. Attempts to circumvent this policy by multiple submissions of the same or alternate URLs can result in being banned from the directory.

For sites specifically geared toward this community. Submitting a site based in or related to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  • Make sure the site title matches the name of the organization or entity.
  • In the site description, stick to the facts and avoid hype or promotional language.
  • This is a Regional category, so the location should be readily apparent on the site. The service area should also be apparent when applicable.
  • Avoid Excessive Capitalization.
  • Describe the site features as well as the subject of the site.

Thank you for your cooperation.