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Includes acupuncture and Chinese medicine, acutouch, Alexander Technique, apitherapy, aromatherapy, Ayurveda, chiropractic, energy healing, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, and all other similar items. A full list of alternative health topics is found at Health/Alternative.
This category applies to statewide chiropractic resources, or to chiropractors with offices across the state.

Chiropractors with one office should submit their sites to the appropriate locality at Regional/North_America/United_States/Nevada/Localities. Submit the chiropractic site to the most specific sub-category: Health, or Health/Alternative, or Health/Alternative/Chiropractic.

This category applies to statewide chiropractic resources, or to chiropractors with offices across the state.

Chiropractors with one office should submit their sites to the appropriate locality at Regional/North_America/United_States/Nevada/Localities. Submit the chiropractic site to the most specific sub-category: Health, or Health/Alternative, or Health/Alternative/Chiropractic.