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New Hampshire is part of the New England region in the northeastern United States, bounded by Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, the Atlantic Ocean, and Canada.
The state capital is Concord. Manchester and Nashua are the largest cities.
The main industries are tourism, manufacturing, forestry, and some agriculture.
New Hampshire was first settled by Europeans in the 1620s and made a British colony in 1741. It was the first colony to declare its independence, in 1776. It was the ninth state to ratify the US Constitution.
Nowadays, New Hampshire is known for holding the first in the nation primary for Presidential candidates.
Please submit sites which pertain to the state of New Hampshire in general here. If the site is about New England, or a major portion of it, please submit it at that level.

If the site is for a business or organization with locations in towns throughout the state, please submit in the most appropriate subcategory.

If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations within the same Region, please submit in that Region.

If the site is for a business or organization located in only one city or town, please go to New_Hampshire/Localities and submit the site in the proper town.

This category is for artistic, cultural, and entertainment institutions, organizations, guides, and directories that focus on subjects such as theater, art, photography, films, music, architecture, dance, libraries, and museums in the state. These topics have been divided into sub-categories for easier browsing.
This category is for businesses with multiple offices or locations in more than one Region of the state.
It is also for business organizations and associations that draw members from the entire state.
Sites for businesses that have only one location or office should be submitted to the appropriate Locality
If a business has more than one location within the same Region, please submit the site to that Region
New Hampshire has ten counties: Belknap, Carroll, Cheshire, Coos, Grafton, Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham, Strafford, and Sullivan Counties.
Please submit sites which are about all of the counties, or more than one county, to this category.
Sites that pertain to only one county should be submitted to the appropriate County category.
This category includes local educational institutions, programs and opportunities; as well as other location specific educational resources.
Please submit school districts to the locality in which the offices are located.

Thank you.

This category is for general interest online guides and directories for the entire state.

Guides and directories for more specific topics, such as dining or real estate, may be found by looking in the appropriate category.

Please submit to this category only guide or directory sites that focus on the entire state.

Sites that cover only part of the state should be submitted to the appropriate Locality or Region

This category is for state-wide health and medical resources in New Hampshire, such as associations, health practitioners, hospitals and clinics, emergency services, public health and safety, alternative medicine, assisted living, and dentistry.
Only state-wide guides and directories, associations, groups, and/or practitioners with offices in more than one Region should be submitted to this category.
Sites for practitioners that have only one location or office should be submitted to the appropriate Locality
If a practice has more than one location or office within the same Region, please submit the site to that Region
This category contains all of New Hampshire's cities and towns. There is a subcategory for each place listed on the official State of New Hampshire Municipal Government page at
If you can not find the town you are looking for listed in New Hampshire/Localities, it may be a village or district of a larger town or city.
Please see New_Hampshire/Localities/Villages_and_Districts for a comprehensive list of NH neighborhoods, villages, and districts.
This category is for links to maps, photograph sites, live web cams, satellite imagery, etc. - any visual representation of the state.
This category is for news and media sites that are located in New Hampshire.
Please submit media sites to the appropriate category:
Magazines and E-Zines

Sites for news sources, press associations, organizations, media directories, etc. should be submitted here.

Please only submit archery related web sites located in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire is divided into seven tourism regions. They are: Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee, Great North Woods, Lakes, Merrimack Valley, Monadnock, Seacoast, and White Mountains. Please see the descriptions for each Region to learn more about its location within the State.
Please submit listings in this category if they are about the regions in general, or pertain to more than one region.
This category includes information about New Hampshire's natural environment and resources, as well as scientific activities specific to the state.
This category is for listing sites that concern the make up of the local community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the people. Subjects include religion, clubs and lodges, reunions, women, men, seniors, kids, teens, activism, alternative sexuality, genealogy, and personal home pages.
Submissions to this category should focus on the communities of New Hampshire.

If your site is not statewide in focus, please submit to the appropriate region, county, or locality category.

If your site focuses on a specific community, please submit to the appropriate category for that community.

This category includes area transportation resources for those traveling to and from, and within the state.
Limousine and/or shuttle services submitted to this category must be based in New Hampshire.
This category is for information on attractions, lodging, and resources for those traveling in the state.
If your site is focused on a single tourism region, please go to Regions and submit your site to the appropriate category.
If your site is for an attraction or lodging facility, please submit in the appropriate Locality
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
Individual city weather information should be submitted to the proper locality.