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New Jersey is called the Garden State, although the state's governor vetoed a bill to put this nickname on the state's car license plates in 1954 (the bill was passed anyway). The nickname seems to date from 1876 when one Abraham Browning gave an address naming New Jersey as a prosperous garden state. New Jersey's soil and climate make it one of the most productive farming areas in the world. Their farms provide fresh local produce and beautiful vistas, and recharge groundwater. Because farmland brings in more revenue than it costs in local services, it helps keep property taxes low. Agriculture is the third largest industry in New Jersey.
This category is for general state-wide listings only. State-wide listings related to such subcategories as business and economy, government, or society and culture should be submitted in those categories, not here.

Only sites of state-wide interest should be at this level; for sites of more local interest, see the individual localities or counties. Please submit your site to the most specific level at which it fits.

For businesses with locations throughout the state.
For faster inclusion, please submit your business site to the appropriate locality.
This category will provide links to all 21 counties of New Jersey. The individual county categories will include the county governments, elected officials, county specific business, and other county specific sites.
This category contains information about New Jersey's 567 municipalities, plus subcategories for sites based in or related to one of those cities, townships, towns or boroughs.
Please don''t submit local sites to this parent category. If your municipality is not listed, please send feedback to one of the editors.
Please only submit archery related sites located in New Jersey.
This category is for listing sites that concern the make up of the local community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the people. Subjects include religion, clubs and lodges, reunions, women, men, seniors, kids, teens, activism, alternative sexuality, genealogy, and personal home pages.
Submissions to this category should focus on the communities of New Jersey.

If your site is not statewide in focus, please submit to the appropriate region, county, or locality category.

If your site focuses on a specific community, please submit to the appropriate category for that community.

To speed the review of your site and its listing in the directory, please go to Regional and add use the request form in the correct category of your locality.
Includes all weather-related sites for the particular region or locale; including allergy and smog alerts, disaster warnings, and ultraviolet forecasts.