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Atlantic City is located in southeastern Atlantic County, New Jersey. Population (1990) 39100.
Only sites that have a direct association with Atlantic City should apply here.
Sites relating to business and economy in this locality, including agriculture, shopping, real estate, industry, companies and services.
Please Submit to only one locality - the one where your business is located, as your site will only be listed once - and use the following formatting:

Title for agents: Agent Name - Company Name
Title for companies: Company Name
Description: Services offered, areas of service, and features on the site such as virtual tours and online forms.

Once the site is listed, please do not submit again unless your site changes substantially, such as virtual tours are added or the agency name or location changes. If this occurs, please use the "Update URL" option to notify us.

Includes regional government, law and military information (e.g. Branches of Government, Law, Military, Taxes).
Atlantic City health care facilities, resources, and organizations.
For sites on News and Media Providers in Atlantic City Area.
This subcategory is intending for Newspapers, Magazines, and Television Stations Only in the Atlantic City Area.
Includes area transportation resources for those traveling to and from, and within the Atlantic City area.
This category is for listing of places of interest to both locals and tourists looking for information. If you are unsure about the appropriateness of your submission please review the entire Atlantic City category to see if there is a more appropriate sub category. However, you may submit your listing to this category editor. If the category editor feels it is more appropriate to list the site elsewhere in the DMOZ, according to the DMOZ guidelines, your site may be forwarded to another category editor.
Atlantic City weather resources.