If you have one location DO NOT SUBMIT your site to this category. Please take a minute to identify the most appropriate locality and submit your site there. This is a Regional category and listings are made by location. Your location(s) must be shown, preferably by address and/or local phone number on your site.
This category is reserved for entities physically located in multiple locations throughout New York State. Few listings will be accepted in this category. However, some listings may be accepted at the state level under certain conditions: ? Sites with multiple offices or locations spanning several regions. ? Clubs or associations drawing members from the entire state.
To be listed at state level an entity must have at least one location in two or more regions contained within the state. Entities with multiple locations in a single region should submit to that regional level. Entities with multiple locations in a single county should submit to that county level. Entities with a single location should be submitted to the appropriate locality level.
Submitting a site here based in a region, county or locality may prevent listing in the directory. Anyone submitting a site to this category must follow the following requirement and procedures. Every site listed is visited by the category editor for verification of adherence to the guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Individual companies with a single office location DO NOT SUBMIT your site to this category. Please take a minute to identify the most appropriate locality and submit your site there. This is a Regional category and listings are made by location. Your location(s) must be shown, preferably by address and/or local phone number on your site.
This category is for sites covering Arts and Entertainment activities pertaining to the State of New York. Submit sites concerning theater, art, photography, films, music, architecture, dance, libraries, and museums, and having to do with professionals, performing arts venues, cultural events, institutions, performers and galleries. Sites covering multiple states should be submitted to a higher Regional level.
Most sites should be submitted to a locality. See the list of localities under the name of this state. However, some Arts and Entertainment listings may be accepted at the state level under certain conditions:
Anyone submitting a site to this category must follow the following requirement and procedures. Submitting a site based in another locality may prevent listing in the directory. Every site listed is visited by the category editor for verification of adherence to the guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.
Individual Entities with a single office location will not be listed here, and should be submitted to the appropriate locality, regardless of the areas covered.Entities with multiple offices within a Region should be submitted to the appropriate region, if the offices are located in two or more counties in the region.
Entities with multiple offices within a county should be submitted to the appropriate county. To improve your chances of a successful submission, please observe the following guidelines:"
Any of the following will delay the review process:
Individual companies with a single office location DO NOT SUBMIT your site to this category. Please take a minute to identify the most appropriate locality and submit your site there.
This category is for sites covering business and economic activities pertaining to the State of New York including companies and industries. Depending on the type of company, some sites should instead be submitted to Arts and Entertainment, Sports and Recreation, or Travel and Tourism, or to a Business and Economy sub-category. Sites covering multiple states should be submitted to a higher Regional level.
Most sites should be submitted to a locality. See the list of localities under the name of this state. However, some business listings may be accepted at the state level under certain conditions:
Anyone submitting a site to this category must follow the following requirement and procedures. Submitting a site based in another locality may prevent listing in the directory. Every site listed is visited by the category editor for verification of adherence to the guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.
Individual companies with a single office location will not be listed here, and should be submitted to the appropriate locality, regardless of the areas covered.Companies with multiple offices within a Region should be submitted to the appropriate region, if the offices are located in two or more counties in the region.
Companies with multiple offices within a county should be submitted to the appropriate county. To improve your chances of a successful submission, please observe the following guidelines:"
Any of the following will delay the review process:
County government, county-level organizations and directories, and businesses with several locations throughout a county should be listed with the specific county. An organization or directory that serves several adjoining counties may more appropriately be listed one of the categories under New York: Regions.
Businesses with offices in a single municipality will, with rare exceptions such as ISPs and radio stations, be listed in the appropriate category under New York: Localities.
For sites covering educational institutions, programs, and opportunities as well as other location-specific educational resources. Submitting a site based in a region, county or locality to this category may prevent listing in the directory. Every site listed is visited by the category editor for verification of adherence to the guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Individual entities with a single office location DO NOT SUBMIT your site to this category. Please take a minute to identify the most appropriate locality and submit your site there.
This category is for sites covering health-related information and organizations. Topics include hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, physicians, dentists, opticians, chiropractors, psychologists, counselors, and providers of alternative medicine services. The category also includes organizations focused on specific conditions and diseases, as well as providers of living accommodations for those with health-related conditions.
Most sites should be submitted to a locality category. See the list of localities under the name of this state. However, some health listings may be accepted at the state level under certain conditions:
Every site listed is visited by a category editor.
Individual entities with a single office location will not be listed here, and should be submitted to the appropriate locality, regardless of the areas covered.Entities with multiple offices within a Region should be submitted to the appropriate region, if the offices are located in two or more counties in the region.
Entities with multiple offices within a county should be submitted to the appropriate county. To improve your chances of a successful submission, please observe the following guidelines:"
See category description for information on the definition of the metro area.
If your site is not statewide in focus, please submit to the appropriate region, county, or locality category.
If your site focuses on a specific community, please submit to the appropriate category for that community.
Tips for Faster Acceptance: