Submit general interest guides and directories for the county as a whole. Single-topic sites belong in other categories. For example, dining guides go to Business and Economy/Restaurants and Bars, hotel guides to Travel and Tourism/Lodging, and lists of businesses to Business and Economy.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Location must be shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
Format title as Hostcompany:Subject, where the subject would generally be the name of the county.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.
For links to localities listing sites for general interest guides and directories, and for similar sites concerned with this county as a whole.
Submit general interest guides and directories for the county as a whole. Single-topic sites belong in other categories. For example, dining guides go to Business and Economy/Restaurants and Bars, hotel guides to Travel and Tourism/Lodging, and lists of businesses to Business and Economy.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Location must be shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
Format title as Hostcompany:Subject, where the subject would generally be the name of the county.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.
For links to localities listing sites offering visual representations such as maps and photographic images of characteristic scenes, as well as for similar sites representing most or all of this county.
Submissions to this category should be maps, photographs, live web cams, or satellite imagery of the county.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Area represented must be specified in text found on the site.
Format title as Companyname or Hostcompany: Subject, where subject is the name of the locality or some part of it.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.
For links to localities in this county listing sites concerned with the local natural environment as well as scientific institutions and companies, and for similar sites concerned with multiple localities in this county or with the county as a whole.
For sites concerned with the local natural environment as well as scientific institutions and companies in this locality. Subjects include zoos, wildlife, lakes, botanical gardens and research studies.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Locations must be shown, either by address or local phone number of the sponsoring institution or company, or by indicating the place where the site''s subject is found. Sites on large natural features may be more appropriate at county, region, or metro level.
For title, submit name of sponsoring institution or company, site subject as it appears on main page, or both, separated by a dash.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.
Most hotels and motels, resorts, inns, and vacation rentals should be submitted to the locality where they are physically located. Listing at county level or higher is reserved for sites representing multiple locations across a broad area. To find the proper locality and submit there, navigate to the list of localities found under the name of this state.
Note: Each lodging facility may receive one listing. Attempts to circumvent this policy by multiple submissions of the same or alternate URLs can result in being banned from the directory.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Location must be shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
For title, submit actual name of the lodging that is the subject of the site.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure. This category is for links to localities in this county listing sites concerned with the weather, and for sites concerned with weather in the county as a whole.
For sites concerned with the weather. Most sites should be submitted to a locality. Also see Science and Environment.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Location must be specified by map or text.
Format title as Hostcompany: Localityname or Companyname.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.