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Manhasset is a small community located on Long Island's North Shore, the "Gold Coast", in Nassau county. Its population in the 2000 US Census was 8,362. Manhasset has one of the top rated schools in the country; 95% of high school graduates attend college and 40% of high school students are in advanced courses. Manhassset performs “significantly higher than State, county and national averages on the SAT.” About 2,450 students attend Shelter Rock and Munsey Park elementary schools, as well as Manhasset Middle School and Manhasset High School.
dance, libraries, movies, music, photography, theater
dance, libraries, movies, music, photography, theater

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schools, k-12, technical schools
schools, k-12, technical schools
Manhasset has a strong health field. The largest employer is North Shore University Hospital.
Newspapers, radio, TV, magazines
sites relating to the culture and society of Manhasset. Includes adult education.