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Sites relating to this locality. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory.
For faster review, please follow these guidelines:

1) Title should reflect the name of the business or organization.

2) Description should reflect the contents of the web site, noting any distinguishing features.

Please refrain from marketing hype or excessive capitalization.

Sites relating to arts and entertainment in this locality, including museums, photography, galleries, artists, dance, theater and music.
Sites relating to business and economy in this locality, including agriculture, shopping, real estate, industry, retail and services.
Please submit only sites relating to business and economy in this locality, including agriculture, shopping, real estate, industry, retail and services. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory.

For faster review, please follow these guidelines:

1) Title should reflect the name of the business or organization.

2) Description should reflect the contents of the web site, noting any distinguishing features.

Please refrain from marketing hype or excessive capitalization.

Sites for or about all levels and types of education both public and private, reunions, and alumni in this locality.
Please only submit sites for or about all levels and types of education both public and private, reunions, and alumni in this locality.

For faster review, please follow these two guidelines when submitting:

1) Make sure the title represent the name of the organization or business. 2) The description should be free of marketing hype and should include any distinguishing features of the site.

Sites relating to government, legislature, law, law enforcement, military and embassies in this locality.
Please submit only sites relating to government, legislature, law, law enforcement, military and embassies in this locality. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory.

For faster review, please follow these guidelines:

1) Title should reflect the name of the business or organization.

2) Description should reflect the contents of the web site, noting any distinguishing features.

Please refrain from marketing hype or excessive capitalization.

Sites relating to health, health services, alternative medicine, dentistry, therapy, fitness, mental health or hospitals in this locality.
Sites relating to attractions, camping, lodging and parks in this locality.
Please submit only sites relating to attractions, camping, lodging and parks in this locality. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory.

For faster review, please follow these guidelines:

1) Title should reflect the name of the business or organization.

2) Description should reflect the contents of the web site, noting any distinguishing features.

Please refrain from marketing hype or excessive capitalization.

Sites relating to forecasts, conditions, alerts, disaster preparedness and hurricanes for this locality.
Please submit only sites relating to forecasts, conditions, alerts, disaster preparedness and hurricanes for this locality. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory.

For faster review, please follow these guidelines:

1) Title should reflect the name of the business or organization.

2) Description should reflect the contents of the web site, noting any distinguishing features.

Please refrain from marketing hype or excessive capitalization.