Also, please ensure, if you are the site author, that the site contains location information. Sites without location information will not be listed in Regional.
Listings for statewide items, such as a North Carolina directory, should be submitted to the state level category, not here.
Please note the various subcategories in most localities and submit sites to the most appropriate one. If you are unsure of which cat is appropriate, you can submit to that locality for the editor to place, or email the editor to get clarification.
Sites submitted here should have content relating to more than one county listed in the region. If your site or business deals with, or does business in, more than one region, it should be listed at the state level.
This category is for listing sites concerned with transportation resources for those traveling to, from, and within the locality. Subjects include airports, airlines, roads and highways, buses, railroads, ride sharing, and mass transit.
Please submit only sites which focus on the entire state. If your site''s focus is at the regional, county or local level, please find a more appropriate sub category.
Please note, sites pertaining to the transportation industry (shipping, trucking, cargo, etc) should be submitted to Business and Economy/Industries.
Please submit state and locality listings to the Regional category where the facility is physically located.
For example, a hotel in San Antonio, Texas, USA should be submitted to Regional/North_America/United_States/Texas/Localities/S/San_Antonio/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Hotels/
Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.