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Sites and resources covering North Carolina's coastal region.
In order to be listed in this category, businesses MUST have locations in MORE THAN ONE COUNTY in the NC coastal region. If your business only has locations in one county, please submit it to the Business and Economy category for that county.
For listing sites related to the business and economy of North Carolina's Coastal Region.
In order to be listed in this category, businesses MUST have locations in MORE THAN ONE COUNTY in the NC coastal region. If your business only has locations in one county, please submit it to the Business and Economy category for that county.
Links to counties in North Carolina's coastal plain region.
For sites specifically geared towards this community. Submitting a site based in another locality may prevent listing in the directory. Thank you for your cooperation. This category is for general interest guides and directories for the locality as a whole. Submit single-topic sites to the appropriate category. For example, submit dining guides to Business and Economy: Restaurants and Bars, and on-line hotel reservations guides to Travel and Tourism: Lodging.
If your site is not specifically geared towards this community, please submit to the proper category.

Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.

Submission Tips:

When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your organization. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language. Thank you for your cooperation.

A list of the localities that make up the Coastal Region of North Carolina.
This category is for sites covering news and media activities including companies and industries. Depending on the type of company, some sites should instead be submitted to Arts and Entertainment, Sports and Recreation, or Travel and Tourism, or to a Business and Economy sub-category if present. For best results, compare existing listings before submitting your site.
The Outer Banks are a series of long, narrow barrier islands that define the Easternmost boundary of North Carolina. The islands stretch nearly 200 miles from Back Bay, Virginia on the northern end to Cape Lookout on the southern end. The islands from North to South are Currituck Banks; Bodie (pronounced "Body") Psland; Pea Island; Hatteras Island, Ocracoke Island; Portsmouth Island; Core Banks; Shackleford Banks and Bogue Banks. Between the Banks and the mainland lie the waters of Albemarle Sound. The Outer banks are assessable by State-run car carrier ferries at the Southern end and by a bridge from the mainland near Manteo. The banks are a popular tourist destination, with seven lighthouses, miles of beaches and lots of sport fishing.
Please submit your business site here ONLY if your business has MORE THAN ONE LOCATION on the Outer Banks. If you have only one location, submit your site to the category for the TOWN you are located in.
For sites on hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities based in this community.

If your site is not specifically geared towards this community, please submit to the proper category.

Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.

Submission Tips:

  1. When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  2. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Includes information about the natural environment as well as scientific activities specific to North Carolina's Coastal regions. Look in the appropriate county or locality for location-specific sites.
Please submit only sites with content related to the North Carolina coast. If your site deals with a particular county or locality, please submit it to the appropriate category.
For sites concerned with the society and culture of this community.
This category concerns the make up of the local community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the people. Subjects include religion, clubs and lodges, reunions, women, men, seniors, kids, teens, activism, alternative sexuality, genealogy, and personal home pages. Tips for Faster Acceptance:

Make sure your site title matches the name of your organization or entity. In your site description, stick to the facts and avoid hype or promotional language. Avoid Excessive Capitalization. Describe site features as well as the subject of your site.

This category is for sites about visiting the local area. Examples include sites for hotels, motels, and other lodging facilities, as well as tourist guides. It is also for sites about local parks and visitor attractions.
Only regional guides, directories or travel information for the entire North Carolina coast belong in this category. If your site only contains information about the Outer Banks or the South Coast, it should be submitted to that category.

Information specific to one town should be submitted to that town.