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This category accepts web sites for businesses, services, organizations and individuals located in Tualatin, Oregon or that provide information about Tualatin, Oregon.

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Toledo, situated on a bend of the Yaquina River and surrounded by wooded hills, is just seven miles inland from the Central Oregon Coast, the only inland coastal community with a deep water channel.
Topics for this category include but are not limited to architecture, art, dance, music, photography, theater, performing arts venues, museums, galleries, libraries, movies, cultural events, entertainment activities, intitutions, and organizations.

Please note that the websites of some businesses related to arts and entertainment are listed elsewhere. When the technical or commercial aspect is seen to overshadow the creative side, as with recording studios, production companies, and stores selling recorded music or cameras, the sites are listed in the Business and Economy category instead.

Web sites for businesses, organizations and individuals located in Tualatin, Oregon. This subcategory also includes web sites providing information about Tualatin, Oregon.
This category accepts web sites for businesses, services, organizations and individuals located in Tualatin, Oregon or that provide information about Tualatin, Oregon.
Turner is located 10 miles outside of Salem. The town was named for Henry L. Turner, an early resident.
Tygh Valley, named after the Tygh Indian tribe, is located on Highway 197, 30 miles south of the Dalles.