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This category is for the listing of sites with a presence throughout the region. If your site does not have locations or offer information serving the entire region, please submit to your locality instead.
Submitting your site to the wrong category will hinder your site''s addition to the directory

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Publication

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.

This category is for sites about online and print magazines serving the local area.
This category is for the listing of sites with a presence throughout the region. If your site does not have locations or offer information serving the entire region, please submit to your locality instead.
Submitting your site to the wrong category will hinder your site''s addition to the directory

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Publication

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.

Contains @links to city and county newspapers. Top level listings are for sites covering the entire state.
This category is for sites about television stations serving the local area.
Most television stations serve a region or metro area, not the entire state. Please consider submitting to the News and Media section of the region the station serves.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Station

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.