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Resources for women, about women, and most often provided by women within the United States of America. Women in business, women's groups, clubs and societies, women who want to chat, women's email lists and magazines, women's spirituality and issues and culture are found here. This category mainly serves as a "link farm" for American categories related to women located in Society/People/Women and other 'topical' branches, and associated state-level categories.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

Personal homepages of women will not be listed here, and should be submitted to the appropriate letter category in Society: People: Personal Homepages. Note that some identity groups (listed at the top of this category) have Personal_Pages categories, which may also be appropriate for such pages.

Sites primarily offering products for sale will not be listed here, and should be submitted to the most appropriate category in Shopping, subject to normal submission guidelines.

This category contains category links to state-level 'Women' categories and may contain no sites.