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Auto dealerships, body shops, etc., should be listed in the appropriate locality category. This category is only for sites that have a statewide or near-statewide scope.

If you submit a local auto dealership site to this category, listing is likely to be delayed.
Dealers and parts/service for cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
Auto dealerships, body shops, etc., should be listed in the appropriate locality category. This category is only for sites that have a statewide or near-statewide scope.

If you submit a local auto dealership site to this category, listing is likely to be delayed.
Computer related businesses and services serving Tennessee or portions therein.
This category is not for online directories or guides, or for sites with information on consultants, ministers, chapels or other wedding facilities, or periodicals. These sites should be submitted to the appropriate linked categories.
Organizations devoted to business promotion, economic development, or the professional development of the members, covering the state of Tennessee.
Sites for Tennessee organizations devoted to matters other than business should be submitted to a more appropriate category, such as Regional/North_America/United_States/Tennessee/Society_and_Culture/Organizations

Sites for organizations that cover one area, county, or locality in Tennessee should be submitted to the appropriate locality, county, metro area, or region category.

For companies that provide full service and commercial printing services.
For companies that provide full service and commercial printing services.
Websites for individual real estate companies and agents should not be submitted or listed here. Please submit them to the proper local category. If there is no "Real Estate" subcategory there yet, please submit the site in the locality anyway -- the subcategory can and will be created when there are sites to be listed in it.
Individual restaurant and dining guide listings for specific towns or cities should be submitted to the Restaurants and Bars category in the appropriate locality.
This category includes sites for retail establishments that sell merchandise to consumers.
Please submit only sites for retail establishments with a physical statewide presence, such as multiple branches, offices, or locations spanning multiple regions, counties, or metro areas.

If the business has multiple locations but they are all in the same region, county, or metro area, submit the site to the appropriate region, county, or metro area, respectively. If the business has only one location, submit the site to the appropriate locality.

If the business has no physical presence and sells goods online only, submit the site to the appropriate subcategory in Shopping.