Sites relevant to a single city or county should be submitted to the locality or county category.
Individual businesses generally are listed in the locality. Please submit to the locality, not to this category.
If a site is specific to Knoxville or to one other county or locality in the area, send it to the category for that locality or county. Businesses generally should be listed in the locality category where the business is located.
If a site is specific to Memphis or to one other county or locality in the area, send it to the category for that locality or county. Businesses generally should be listed in the locality category where the business is located.
If a site is specific to Nashville or to one other county or locality in the area, send it to the category for that locality or county. Businesses generally should be listed in the locality category where the business is located.
If a site is specific to one county or locality in the area, send it there. Businesses generally should be listed in the locality category where the business is located.
Sites relevant to more than county or locality on the Tennessee side of the line may be listed in the Northeast Tennessee category.