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This is a listing of business directories or informational websites for businesses, industries, classifieds, real estate, shopping and services located in Austin, Texas.
Please submit only sites for kennels, pet food and supply businesses, veterinary services, and other pet-related businesses. Submit sites for animal welfare and rescue groups in Regional: North America: United States: Texas: Localities: A: Austin: Society and Culture: Animal Welfare.
This category includes links to kennels, pet food and supply businesses, veterinary services, and other pet-related businesses.
Please submit only sites for kennels, pet food and supply businesses, veterinary services, and other pet-related businesses. Submit sites for animal welfare and rescue groups in Regional: North America: United States: Texas: Localities: A: Austin: Society and Culture: Animal Welfare.
This category contains sites for car and truck dealers, automotive parts, repairs, and service.
This category is for the listing of personal services such as salons, spas, tanning facilities, and manicurists.
This category lists companies, individuals, and other entities engaged in providing computers and computer-related goods and services in Austin, Texas. Local computer organizations sometimes offer a wide range of services. It is not uncommon to find organizations that offer services in several of the subcategories described. Most organizations, however, focus their marketing efforts in one of three areas equipment (hardware), applications (software), or advice (consulting). When an organization provides goods and/or services in multiple categories, an effort is made to determine the primary focus of the business based on the content and the design of their website.
Please submit here only if your organization offers goods or services in Austin, Texas and maintain a local office in Austin.

Please decide on the single most appropriate regional category and enter a single submission there. Multiple submissions may unnecessarily delay your listing.

Organizations that use computers to provide services rather than provide services for computers should submit to an industry-appropriate category.

more information (editors only)

This category includes websites for human resources, job postings, resume services, recruiters and careers in Austin, Texas.
This category list websites for services and resources for planning weddings, birthdays and special events for Austin area only.
This is a listing of area websites for the banking, insurance, securities, taxes and estate planning and other financial services.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This category covers a large number of businesses group by industry, for example manufacturing, construction, advertising, publishing, as well as companies, or individual businesses.
This is a listing of Austin, Texas websites dealing with the law or legal issues, including attorney websites.
Please submit only sites for attorneys and law firms whose offices are only in Austin. If an attorney or law firm has offices throughout the state, please submit the site to Regional: North America: United States: Texas: Business and Economy: Legal Services instead.

If they have offices throughout a region of the United States, please submit the site to Regional: North America: United States: Regions: South and Southeast: Business and Economy: Legal Services, Regional: North America: United States: Regions: Southwest: Business and Economy, or Regional: North America: United States: Regions: West: Business and Economy instead.

NOTE: This category has specific sub-categories for
* Inspections
* Rentals
* Residential real estate offices
-------* Agent specific sites

Lender sites belong in:

If any of the above describes your site, please submit there. Other Austin real estate sites go in this category.

Note: If your site fits a subcategory; Rentals, Inspections, Residential, Residential/Agents... please submit there.

To be listed in this category, a site must contain unique information about real estate specific to Austin.

Real estate agents will only be listed in a category corresponding to a locality where the agent maintains a physical office. RARELY an editor may place it otherwise based on content, but still only in ONE locality. The office address (and on agent sites, agent''s name) should be visible on the site to aid placement. NOTE: You may mention additional areas served in the description. Editors may edit for brevity. Choose a few favorites (you may not like ours).

Multiple submission of the same site, mirror sites, and sites by the same entity containing the same basic information may result in that entity being banned. Once the site is listed at DMOZ, please do not re-submit it. If the site content changes or the description no longer applies for other reasons, go back one page and use the "Change URL" button to submit a revision for consideration.

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This category includes links to restaurants, bars, and pubs.
Please submit only sites for restaurants, bars, and pubs. If the primary purpose of a venue is to host music performances, submit its site in Regional: North America: United States: Texas: Localities: A: Austin: Arts and Entertainment: Clubs and Venues.
Websites about retail shopping, supermarkets, food services, and commerce sites located in Austin, Texas.
This category is for shopping websites for businesses specifically located in Austin. Businesses that offer only online, phone, or mail order sales will not be listed in Regional Shopping categories.

Please note that this category does not contain sites of businesses without storefronts. Those businesses are listed instead in the Online Shopping section of the directory.