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Category Description

This category is for websites about information and organizations related to health in this locality, as well as links to related categories.

Topics of websites

At any one time, this category may not have listings for all the topics that would be appropriate for it. For details about the range of specific topics that are suitable, see the section about appropriate topics.

Geographic area of websites

Most Regional sites are listed according to the physical location(s) of the site's subject. Others are listed according to the geographic focus of the site, such as directories, membership organizations, governmental bodies, service agencies, businesses located in multiple areas, and those few types of business listed by service area.

This is a category for a specific locality. Websites pertinent to larger geographic areas such as counties, metro areas or states are listed in categories at these higher levels. See geographic category definitions.

Businesses or organizations with multiple physical locations are placed in the smallest geographic category needed to encompass all of their locations. See listings for multiple locations. A few types of sites are listed according to service area rather than physical location. See listing by service area.
Site Submission Basics for Regional Categories
  1. Before submitting a site, be sure to read the category description. Submitting a site to an inappropriate category can greatly delay its consideration.
  2. The relationship of the website to the location must be clear. In most cases, it is preferable if this is shown by an address or local phone number.
  3. When you have located the correct geographic category, submit to an appropriate topical subcategory whenever possible. For best results, compare existing listings.
  4. See More Site Submission Basics.