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Please submit only sites focusing on the death penalty in Texas. More general sites should be submitted to Society/Issues/Crime_and_Justice/Death_Penalty/.
This category includes sites concerning the appropriate relationship between Church and State in their multivariate intersections in civil society. In the United States, questions on religion and government focus on the two religion-related clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution: Congress is forbidden from placing restrictions on the free exercise of religion, but is also forbidden from creating an established, or state, religion. Differing interpretations of these clauses result in such widely known disputes as those over prayer in public schools, Nativity creches on public property, use of public funds to send children to sectarian schools, the right to practice by wearing certain headgear or using certain substances, and so on.
Opposing and supporting views, historical information, organizations, and personal pages on the death penalty in Texas.
Please submit only sites focusing on the death penalty in Texas. More general sites should be submitted to Society/Issues/Crime_and_Justice/Death_Penalty/.
Any issue which concerns the ecological and human environment in Texas, such as pollution, urban growth and sustainable development, waste disposal, and environmental justice (social equity in environmental matters).
Organizations, articles, and events on gun violence, and for and against gun controls in Texas.
If your organization or event is local, that is, does not concern the entire state or multiple areas of the state, please submit it to a more local category. Businesses and events selling guns should be submitted under Business and Economy:Shopping. Hunting and shooting sites should be submitted under Recreation and Sports.
Includes Texas organizations, articles and events concerning basic human rights and constitutional liberties. Some examples are property rights, affirmative action, free speech, and privacy.
Please examine the other Issues categories before submitting here. If there is a category specific to your site''s issue, please submit it once, to that category. New categories will be created as sites are added. Also, please only submit sites relating to Texas as a whole, or to a large portion of the state. More geographically-focused sites can be submitted to the category for their local, and more general sites can be submitted under Society/Issues/Human_Rights_and_Liberties/.
Sites that study, promote, argue about or discuss issues of peace in Texas, including sites for organizations and events.
Please only submit sites relating to Texas as a whole, or to a large portion of the state. More geographically-focused sites can be submitted to the category for their local, and more general sites can be submitted under /Society/Issues/Peace/.