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Includes sites that reflect the make up of the county’s community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the people of the county

Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the county belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.

Regional Category Editing Guidelines

Submissions to this category must show some type of indication that the services or information is intended for the gay, lesbian, or bisexual community. Your site must contain some content that is specifically gay related, whether it be a rainbow image, or mentions "gay" or "gay-friendly" in the text.
Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the County belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.
Includes information and resources relative to the study of family lineage and ancestors.
Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the County belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.
Information on past events, places and people relative to this county.
Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the County belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.
Information on associations, collectives or groups whose primary purpose is to advocate, support, disseminate information on, or in some way further a specific issue or cause.
Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the County belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.
Sites listed in the Religion category pertain to the religious societies and institutions of the local community including houses of worship and affiliated social groups.
Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the County belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.
Information of particular interest to or about senior citizens and people over the age of 50 years.
Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in the County belong in this category. Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality.