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Grafton is a town located in Windham County, Vermont. As of the 2000 census, the town had a total population of 649.

The town, first named Thomlinson, was granted it's first charter by Benning Wentworth , the governor of New Hampshire in 1754. On Oct.31 1791 the privilege of renaming the town was sold at public auction to Joseph Axtell for the high bid of five dollars and a jug of rum. He renamed the town in honor of his hometown, Grafton, Massachusetts.

Grafton is considered one of the most beautiful towns in America. Notable features in the town include the village green and brick church built in 1833, the Grafton Village Cheese Company, The Old Tavern and numerous restored buildings.

Sites listed in this category are for entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in Grafton, Vermont, USA, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity. If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.

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Regional Category Editing Guidelines

Sites listed in this category relate to the artistic, cultural, and entertainment activities, events, institutions, and organizations of the town of Grafton, Vermont. Topics include architecture, art, dance, music, photography, theater, performing arts venues, museums, galleries, libraries, movies, and cultural events.

Suggest sites here that are relevant to Grafton, Vermont and that relate to the artistic, cultural, and entertainment activities, events, institutions, and organizations of the town. If your site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.

In General:
Sites listed here will be about the specific locality and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

Sites listed in this category contain information about the business and economy specific to Grafton, Vermont and include commercial sites which offer, sell or promote products and/or services to consumers along with the business organizations that support them, information on the economic status and trends for the town, and associations which provide economic growth and development opportunities.

Suggest sites here that are relevant to Grafton, Vermont and that offer, sell or promote product and.or services to consumers. If your site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.

In General:
Sites listed here will be about the specific locality and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

Sites listed in this category include information and organizations related to the history, culture, and people specific to the town of Grafton, Vermont. Topics include clubs, social-service organizations, resources, genealogy, history, personal pages, activism, animal welfare, politics, religion, and various sub-groups of the population.

Suggest sites here that are relevant to Grafton, Vermont and that provide information and organizations related to the history, culture, and people of the town.
If your site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.

In General:
Sites listed here will be about the specific locality and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

Sites listed in this category include information and organizations related to travel and tourism in the town of Grafton, Vermont. Topics include include local attractions, lodging, vacation rentals, parks, travel guides, travel services, tour operators and travel agents.

Suggest sites here that are relevant to Grafton, Vermont and that include information and organizations related to travel and tourism in the town.
If your site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.

In General:
Sites listed here will be about the specific locality and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

Sites listed in this category offer information and organizations related to weather for the town of Grafton, Vermont. Topics include weather conditions, allergy and smog reports, disaster preparedness, hurricanes, and ultraviolet forecasts.

Suggest sites here that are relevant to Grafton, Vermont and that offer information and organizations related to weather. If your site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.

In General:
Sites listed here will be about the specific locality and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.