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This category is for websites about businesses and economic conditions related to local consumer retail businesses. The stores listed in this category have their locations solely within Virginia. Note: This category does not contain sites of businesses without storefronts that sell products nationwide over the web. Those businesses are located in a separate Shopping section of this directory.

Category Submission Guidelines

    Websites in the regional category are listed based on the location of their physical store front.
  • Companies with only one location, or multiple locations within one locality, should be listed in that locality.
  • Companies with locations in multiple localities, but all within one county, should be listed in that county.
  • Companies with locations in multiple counties, but all within one region, should be listed in that region.
  • Only companies with locations in multiple regions should be placed at the state level.

General Submission Guidelines

  • The title should be the name of your company or organization:
    • Do not type in all CAPS.
    • Do not include a list of keywords.
    • Do not include your products.
    • Do not write a sales pitch.
  • The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services:
    • The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form.
    • Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch.
    • Do not submit your company history.
    • Do not submit a list of keywords.
    • Do not use unnecessary capitalization.
    • Do not use HTML tags.

  • Submit to only ONE category
    • Please try to find the best category for your site and submit your site only ONE time.

    Editors reserve the right not to list your site. Following these basic guidelines will help in the proper placement of your site and speed up the listing process.