American Samoa is an unincorporated territory of the United States consisting primarily of five volcanic islands and two coral atolls. The largest island is Tutuila with the capital city of Pago Pago. The country has a tropical climate with a population of about 60,000 mostly ethnic Samoans.
Please submit sites located only in American Samoa. Sites should include a title and brief description of the contents and be submitted to their single best category.
Includes regional government, law and military information (e.g. Branches of Government, Law, Military, Taxes).
Taxonomy development in this category is dependent on the organization of the local government.
Includes general interest online guides and directories specific to the region; those that are specific to a particular topic should instead be placed within the appropriate topic subcategory within the region.
Includes hobbies, sports, and recreational activities specific to the region including local amateur and professional sports teams and their booster/supporter clubs, local recreation organizations and clubs. Topics might include fishing, gardening, baseball, chess, hiking, or other recreational activities.
For sites that reflect the make up of the region's community. This includes religious, civic, and historical sites, as well as personal pages pertaining to the region.
Please only submit sites located in American Samoa. All sites should include a title and brief description of the contents and be submitted to their correct category.
Includes all weather-related sites for the region. Topics might include allergy and smog alerts, disaster warnings, weather disasters, and ultraviolet forecasts.