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This category includes Australian national sites related to the advertising, construction, maintenance, manufacturing, mining and publishing industries.
Only Australian national sites that have locations in more than one State will be listed here. If your site does not comply with the above, please submit it to the correct State, Locality and category.

more information (editors only)

This category contains links to states and localities within Australia that have industrial electrical and electronics sites.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

This category is for manufacturers of healthcare products in Australia. Sites that sell products online should be suggested to Regional/Oceania/Australia/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Health_Products
This category contains links to industrial supply sites including suppliers of components and materials to industry.
Only businesses with depots in several states are listed here. Most are listed in their localities.
This category contains Australian national manufacturing sites.
Only Australia-wide manufacturing sites with interstate branches or offices should be listed here. If your site does not comply with the above, please submit it to the correct Locality and category.

Submitters are reminded it is their responsibility to comply with the Australian Consumer Affairs requirements for content and address details on web sites.

This category contains links to Australian States and Localities with mining, drilling and exploration related sites.
Only Australia wide sites with operations in more than one State should be listed here. If your site does not comply with the above, please submit it to the correct State, Locality and category.

Submitters are reminded it is their responsibility to comply with the Australian Consumer Affairs requirements for content and address details on web sites.

This category includes sites about industrial organisations, groups and authorities.
Only Industrial organisations that are Australia-wide should be listed here. If your organisation does not have interstate branches or offices, please submit it to the State and/or Locality where your site is based.

Submitters are reminded it is their responsibility to comply with the Australian Consumer Affairs requirements for content and address details on web sites.