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This council provides services for Aberdeen, Ambleside, Appledore, Bella Macargee, Coles Beach, Devonport, Devonport East, Don, Don Heads, Don Junction, Eugenana, Fourways, Highfield, Hillcrest, Kelcey Tier, Lillico, Maidstone, Melrose, Mersey Bluff Lighthouse, Miandetta, Miandetta Park, Paloona, Panorama Heights, Pardoe Downs, Quoiba, Rannoch, Spreyton, Stony Rise, Tugrah, Valley Road, West Devonport and Woodrising.
Sites submitted here should contain information about Devonport City shire or more than one township within the shire.
Sites by or related to governmental functions in Devonport City Shire.
Intended for Government services pertaining to Devonport City Shire.