This council provides services for Cape Pillar, Cape Raoul, Carnarvon Bay, Chronicle Point, Coalmines Reserve, Doo Town, Eaglehawk Neck, Flinders Bay, Fortescue, Fortescue Bay, Gwandalan, Highcroft, Koonya, Murdunna, Newmans Creek, Nubeena, Oakwood, Oasis, Oasis Camp, Penzance, Port Arthur, Premaydena, Radnor, Saltwater River, Sloping Island, Sloping Main, Smooth Island, Sommers Bay, Stewarts Bay, Stormlea, Taranna, Tasman Island, The Oasis, Turners Point, Watsons Bay, Wedge Island and White Beach.
Sites submitted here should contain information about Tasman shire or more than one township within the shire.