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Intended for Business and Economic services physically located in Mansfield Shire.
Topics for this category include architecture, art, dance, music, photography, theatre, performing arts venues, museums, galleries, libraries, movies, cultural events, institutions, entertainment activities, and organisations related to multiple localities within this municipality. When the technical or commercial aspect is seen to overshadow the creative side, as with recording studios, production companies, and stores selling recorded music or cameras, the sites are listed in Business and Economy instead.
Includes sites covering the business and economic activities in Mansfield Shire; including listings of companies and industries.
Intended for Business and Economic services physically located in Mansfield Shire.
Includes educational institutions, resources, programs and opportunities located in the Mansfield Shire area.
Topics for this category include not only legislative, executive, and judicial bodies, but law, law enforcement, taxes, embassies, consulates, and military institutions related to multiple localities within this municipality. Please submit websites about politics, political candidates, and political campaigns to the appropriate subcategory of Society and Culture when available.
Topics for this category are general interest guides and directories offering a wide variety of information for the municipality as a whole. Single-topic sites should be submitted to the appropriate topical subcategory of the municipality. For example, submit on-line hotel reservations guides to Travel and Tourism in the subcategory titled Accommodation when available, and dining guides to Business and Economy in the subcategory titled Restaurants and Bars when available.
Topics for this category include hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, physicians, dentists, opticians, chiropractors, psychologists, counsellors, emergency services, and providers of alternative medicine services. Also includes organisations focused on specific conditions and diseases, as well as providers of living accommodations for those with health-related conditions.
Topics for this category include newspapers, magazines, e-zines, radio, and television sites with a physical presence in this municipality or whose main focus is specific to this municipality. Please submit media outlets to the one locality most suitable to either its physical location, or the locality which is specifically its main focus.
Topics for this category include local activities such as baseball, basketball, bicycling, boating, camping, crafts, fishing, football, gambling, golf, hunting, martial arts, scouting, skiing and soccer as well as hobbies such as games and model trains related to multiple localities within this municipality. Submit commercial sites such as sporting goods stores to the appropriate subcategory of Business and Economy when available. Compare existing listings for best results.
Topics for this category include clubs, lodges, reunions, women, men, seniors, youth, activism, alternative sexuality, social-service organisations, disability resources, religion, history, personal pages, activism, animal welfare, politics, folklore, human rights, labor, genealogy, and various sub-groups of the population related to multiple localities within this municipality.
The websites in this category include travel and tourism information relevant to more than one locality within this municipality (council area), or to the entire municipality. Information may involve such things as lodging, attractions, and touring resources.
Please submit only sites related either to the entire municipality or to more than one locality within it.

For websites related exclusively to a specific locality within this municipality, please submit at that locality.

For websites related to a wider area, please see the Travel_and_Tourism category for the appropriate region or state.

Before submitting a site, be sure to read the category description. Submissions should include unique content that does not simply duplicate what is already available.

Please submit to an appropriate subcategory, if one is available. Otherwise, submit here.

Failure to submit to the most specific appropriate category can delay the consideration of your submission.