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New Zealand is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of near 3.4 million (c.1994). Its area is 103,736 sq mi (268,676 sq km). The capital city is Wellington.

Guidelines For Submissions

  • Find The Appropriate Subcategory
    DO NOT submit sites in the top level category of Regional:Oceania: New Zealand and expect it to be moved to the correct category.

  • English Sites Only
    Sites authored in other languages should be submitted to the appropriate language category in World.

    *Bilingual webpages that are also authored in English can be submitted and are listed in the Regional areas.

  • Guidelines For Submitting Sites:
    • The title should be the name of your company or organization.
      • Do not type in all caps
      • Do not include a list of keywords
      • Do not include your products
      • Do not write a sales pitch.
    • The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services.
      • The description should be in english and in coherent sentence form.
      • Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch.
      • Do not submit your company history.
      • Do not submit a list of keywords.
      • Do not use unnecessary capitalization, orinclude HTML tags.

    • Submit to only ONE category

This category contains web sites with information and/or links about New Zealand Arts and Entertainment.
Please submit sites to their correct Locality and Category. Only New Zealand national Arts and Entertainment sites will be listed at this level.
This category contains links to the Councils and Localities within the Auckland region.
**** ATTENTION! ****

You should not submit to a top level regional category. Please find a locality sub-category that best fits your website.

If you submit here, listing of your website WILL be delayed.

Please choose the locality (city, town or suburb) where your site or business is located. If you have multiple outlets, please submit to the Council category that includes your locations.

Please also select the topic that best describes your website. Our editors will create new topical sub-categories where there are a number of similar websites.

Decriptions that simply list keywords will not be accepted. Describe your site using a couple of sentences that will help other people know what is on your site.

Bay of Plenty of New Zealand is the north-eastern District of the North Island.
Please list any relevant information about the Bay of Plenty in this category. Please note the regional division of Rotorua, Tauranga and Whakatane. So if your site is related to one of these three cities, please list them there. Please list Travel and Tourism related pages in the sub-category provided.
Includes sites covering the business and economic activities of the region; including listings of companies and industries.

Most websites are listed in their nearest localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several localities.

This category contains links to the Localities in NZ.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
Information about getting educated in New Zealand. This category covers Universities, Polytechs and Teachers Colleges (Tertiary), High Schools and Colleges (Secondary), Primary Schools (Primary) and Early Childhood centres. It also covers specialised education such as religious, trade and language education.
Please submit all education sites to their correct locality and category.
The East Cape of New Zealand is the most eastern part of the country and is located on the North Island. It is the area between Opotiki and Gisborne, part Bayy of Plenty, part Poverty Bay region.
Please list only websites that contain information about the East Cape or businesses and tourism ventures there.

We do not accept listings from travel agencies for tours or accommodation to the area. These should be listed under the travel agent category

For information on the New Zealand Government and Government agencies. All sites of a political nature are to be found under NZ/Politics.
Pleas submit onlt sites relating directly to the New Zealand Defence Forces.
Includes general interest online guides and directories specific to New Zealand; those that are specific to a particular topic should instead be placed within the appropriate topic subcategory within the region.
Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.
This category only contains links to councils and locality categories in Hawkes Bay region.

Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.

Sites submitted to region (this) level will be delayed.

Most websites are listed in their localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several regions.

Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.
Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.
Marlborough is a region of New Zealand, located at the top of the South Island. Marlborough’s key urban centre is the town Blenheim. Other centres of note are the seaport town Picton, and the coastal town Kaikoura. Marlborough is renowned for the Marlborough Sounds, a picturesque area of waterways and islands with many eco tourism attractions. Key industries are wine production, and the world acclaimed Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, fishing and aquaculture, farming and horticulture, forestry, and aviation.
Submit sites relating exclusively to the Marlborough region, and sites of businesses, enterprises, organisations, associations and clubs located within Marlborough.

Submit sites to their relevant topical and geographical sub-categories.

Submit complete sites only, not deeplink pages from directories or other websites.



Businesses with locations in two or more Nelson localities should be submitted to this category.

Please do not submit the sites of individual businesses as they should be submitted to the appropriate category in the locality in which they are located.

To speed the review of your site and its listing in the directory, please go to Nelson and use the add url request form in the correct category of your locality.
Northland region covers the area from Wellsford and Dargaville in the south to Cape Reinga in the North.
Please submit sites to their closest locality and appropriate category.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.

If your site is not specifically geared towards this community, please submit to the proper category.

Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.

Submission Tips:

  1. When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  2. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
Thank-you for your cooperation.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.

Most websites are listed in their localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several regions.

Information on the area attractions and resources for those travelling in the region, including tourist guides. Top level information please - not destinations or individual properties or operators - use lower level categories for those
This category is for accommodation sites that pertain to more than one province. An example of an acceptable site would be a New Zealand wide accommodation directory.

Please do not submit the sites of individual establishments as they should be submitted to the appropriate category in the locality in which they are located.

To speed the review of your site and its listing in the directory, please go to New_Zealand and use the add url request form in the correct category of your locality.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
This category is for weather sites targeted at New Zealand.
Area of New Zealand governed by the Wellington Regional Council. Includes Wellington, (Lower) Hutt, Upper Hutt and Porirua Cities as well as Kapiti Coast and Waiarapa Districts - i.e. The southern tip of the North Island from Cook's Strait in the south to Otaki and Masterton in the north. The Horowhenua and Tararua districts are often associated with Wellington, but normally considered outside the area.

Most websites are listed in their localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several localities.

Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.