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Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
This category includes sites about architecture, the arts, dance, libraries, movies, museums, performers, photography, theatre, organisations and events.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
This category contains business and economy sites including advertising, agriculture, automotive, banking and finance, business and domestic services, computing, construction, forestry, industries, insurance, Internet and communications, manufacturing, mining, marine, restaurants, bars and clubs, real estate agents, and shopping.

Most websites are listed in their localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several localities.

This category only contains links to Councils within the Waikato Region.
Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.
This category contains education sites including colleges, schools, universities, training and suppliers of educational equipment and resources.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
This category contains links to localities within Waikato that have guides and directory sites.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
Sites covering Health in the Waikato region; including listings of medical related services and health providers.
Please only submit sites that relate directly to health in the Waikato region. Your description should provide accurate, factual content. To avoid your description being altered, please resist using hyperbole or ''ad-speak''.
This category only contains links to localities within the Waikato Region.
Please submit all sites to their correct location and category.
This category contains links to localities within Waikato that have maps and views sites.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
Sites covering recreational and sporting activities in the Waikato region; including listings of sports clubs, competitive activities and recreational activities.
Please only submit sites that relate directly to recreation and sports in the Waikato region all other sites should be listed in there respective Council or Locality. Your description should provide accurate, factual content. To avoid your description being altered, please resist using hyperbole or ''ad-speak''.
This category contains links to localities with society and culture sites including social and service organisations, disability resources, genealogy, history, politics, religion and personal home pages.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality and category.