This category links organizations which themselves do not conduct scientific research, but aim to spread information about research results in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. These associations organize meetings, provide research grants and other activities for scientists in the field. Any scientist active in the field should be able to become member of such an organization.
Do not submit sites to the top of this category. Instead please try to find the most appropriate discipline, and submit there, even if there is not yet an Associations subcategory.
Regional organization should be regarded as a last resort, and listing sub-categories Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America may prevent the Associations sub-category being created in the most appropriate science discipline.
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World hierarchy)
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World/ hierarchy)
Organizations should be active in Africa
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World/ hierarchy)
Organizations should be active in Asia
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World/ hierarchy)
Organizations should be active in Europe
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World/ hierarchy)
Organizations should be active in North America
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World/ hierarchy)
Organizations should be active in Australia
Do not submit sites in languages other than English (these sites should be sent to the appropriate section of the World/ hierarchy)
Organizations should be active in South America