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Quercus is the genus of the tree commonly known as oak. The trees are characterised by their fruit, 'acorns'. There are around 100 species, found throughout the temperate northern hemisphere, with the distribution extending into the northern tropics.
Commonly known as Coast Live Oak.
Commonly known as White Oak.
Commonly known as Arizona White Oak or Arizona Oak.
Commonly known as Swamp White Oak.
This species is commonly known as the Canyon Live Oak or Canyon Oak.
This species is commonly known as the Scarlet Oak.
This species, Q. douglasii Hook. & Arn., is the blue oak of California.
This species is commonly known as Northern Pin Oak.
This species is commonly known as the Emory Oak.
This species is commonly known as Southern Red Oak. Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata) has been divided into two varieties: the typical Southern Red Oak (Q. falcata var. falcata) and Cherrybark Oak (Q. falcata var. pagodifolia).
This species is commonly known as Gambel Oak.
This is the Oregon white oak.
Commonly known as Gray Oak.
Q. ilex L. is the holm oak or holly oak, an evergreen tree native to southern Europe.
This species is commonly known as California Black Oak.
This species is commonly known as the Turkey Oak, Catesby Oak, or Scrub Oak.
This species is commonly known as Laurel Oak.
Q. lobata Nee. is the valley oak or white oak of California and nearby regions.
This species is commonly known as Overcup Oak.
This species is commonly known as Bur Oak.
This species is commonly known as Blackjack Oak.
This species is commonly known as Swamp Chestnut Oak or Basket Oak.
This species is commonly known as Chinkapin Oak.
This species is commonly know as Willow Oak.
This species is commonly known as Chestnut Oak.
Quercus robur L. is a native of Europe and western Asia. In Britain it is usually called the common oak or the pedunculate oak, and in North America it is called the English oak.
Q. rubra (Q. borealis) is one of the red oaks of eastern north America.
This species is commonly known as Post Oak.
Q. suber L. is the cork oak, a native of southern Europe.
This species is commonly known as Shrub Live Oak.
This species is commonly known as Black Oak.
This species is commonly known as the Live Oak.