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For non genetic sites please see this FAQ for advice on "Where to submit or find a site about animals?"
This category has been divided into a number of sub categories. Please review these and ensure your submission is placed in the correct location.

Also included are related categories which point to non genetic animal topics.

This category lists sites related to the genetics of frogs, toads, salamander, and caecilians .
This category contains listing of sites dealing with the genetics of chicken
This category is for listing sites related to the genetics of the fish family.
Members of the higher vertebrate class Mammalia, characterized by live birth, body hair, and mammary glands in the female that secrete milk for feeding the young.
Please submit sites specific to feline genetics concerning coat patterns and coloration, anomalies and pedigree databases. Sites concerning feline hereditary diseases should be submitted to Health/Animal/Pets/Cats/Conditions_and_Diseases.
Nematodes are the second most diverse animal phylum (after the arthropods). Free-living nematodes are abundant in soils and sediments, where they feed on bacteria and detritus. Some nematodes are plant parasites, including organisms that cause disease in economically important crops. Others parasitize animals (including humans). Well-known parasitic nematodes include hookworms, pinworms, Guinea worm (genus Dracunculus), and intestinal roundworms (genus Ascaris).
A listing of links to professional and scientific associations, societies, and institutions related to animal genetics.
Transgenic (Transgenics is not a recognized word) describes an organism whose DNA contains genetic material derived from other species or even from artificial sources. Cloning is the science of creating clones, which are organisms with identical or nearly identical genetic makeup. Sites listed here should only be related to the science of creating transgenic animals and animal cloning technologies. Sites containing information about a business which utilizes these technologies should perhaps search for another category in the Open Directory Project.