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Genetics of bacteria.
This site deals with the biology of Bacilli. In particular you may submit sites for molecular genetics of Bacilli, as well as sites dealing with genomics related topics for this class of organisms. This may include the processes specific to them such as sporulation, competence, antibiotic production etc.
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Features a listing of sites relating to the genetics of agrobacterium. Bacteria which invade plant cells via damaged crowns, roots, and stems of plants, and then produce tumour cells.
There are two main bacterial kingdoms, eubacteria (or Bacteria) and archaebacteria (Archaea). Bacteria are split into two broad domains, distinguished by the way in which they may be colored by a pigment (the "Gram" test). Bacillus subtilis is the universally recognized model for eubacteria of the sporulating A+T-rich Gram positive category. Gram-positives have a single envelope, comprising a lipid bilayer (cytoplasmic membrane) and a more or less complex set of protective layers. Bacillus subtilis is both a model for bacteria used in agro-food industry, and for dangerous pathogens.
This site deals with the biology of Bacilli. In particular you may submit sites for molecular genetics of Bacilli, as well as sites dealing with genomics related topics for this class of organisms. This may include the bacteriophages associated with these bacteria, as well as processes specific to them (sporulation, competence, antibiotic production etc).
Rod shaped bacillus found in the colon of mammals (also found in soil and water). Widely used in laboratory research and is the microorganism most used as a host for gene-splicing techniques used to clone genes.
The smallest self-reproducing prokaryote which lacks a cell wall and can survive without oxygen. In humans, one species is a primary cause of nonbacterial pneumonia. Also known as pleuropneumonia-like organism .