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This category is concerned with NMR, EPR, MRI and NQR. There are categories for user guides, commercial vendors of NMR systems and supplies, NMR theory, magnet safety, shimming, in short nearly everything to do with the use, repair and operation of a NMR, EPR, MRI or NQR system. 07/23/00
English sites only !
NMR is an acronym itself and since there must thousands of acronyms associated with NMR. Newcomers must find the jungle confusing. Here is a list of web sites that have tables of various types of acronyms specifically for NMR. I hope this helps you to understand what the jargon is all about.
English sites only !
This category contains numerous sites with link lists to NMR, MRI, fMRI related sites 09/16/01
This category contains links to NMR educational pages. 09/16/01
Within this section you find printable documents only, about advanced and basic NMR. 03/12/00
This is where we discus low temperature NMR, a very important subject.
This category contains MRI and fMRI sites. 09/17/01
This category has sites with information about magnet and RF safety. There are a few sites that have certain types of shielding for magnetic and RF fields. The magnetic field from MRI and NMR magnets are static fields, not time varying fields. 10/07/00
Newsletters and Usenet
This cat will contain links to various NMR Blogs.
This category contains links to sites that contain information on NQR and mine detections. o9/13/01
This category contains links to various commercial enterprises that sale, distribute, repair, refurbish or service NMR systems, magnets, consoles or parts.
This category lists sites that contain pulse sequences to various types of spectrometers for various types of experiments. 09/13/01
This category contains links to NMR references. 09/16/01
Sites that deal with the theory, math, practice, technique and operation of Solid State NMR
English sites only.
This category contains links to sites with tables or compilations of data useful for the NMR Scientist.
This section of the directory contains sites that deal with the advanced and basic theory of NMR and MRI, you will find tutorials as well as a few slide shows. The theory of NMR spectra interpretation will also be presented. 09/13/01
This category contains links to user guides and help files. 09/13/01