This category contains listings of science-related events. Events for the general public can be found in the sub-category Science/Events/Science_Festivals, while events for scientists themselves are in Science/Events/Conferences.
Please submit events to either of the two sub-categories, depending on whether they are primarily aimed at the scientific community or at the general public. Please note also that the Science/Events/Conferences category is for interdisciplinary events; conferences restricted to one discipline should be listed under that discipline, for example Science/Physics/Conferences for a physics conference.
Conferences, meetings and workshops are an important part of the scientific enterprise.
Most conferences fit in a category for conferences in a specific area of science. These categories are listed as links from the Science:Conferences category, which also lists sites for broad-spectrum scientific meetings and for organizations that conduct meetings in a wide range of fields.
Important: This category is only for scientific conferences that do not fall under any more specific category. Before submitting a conference, please check carefully that there is no other category it belongs to, e.g. physics conferences should not be submitted here, but to Science/Physics/Conferences.
Events for the general public should not be submitted here, but to the category Science/Events.
This category is for science festivals - events with science-themed lectures, demonstrations and other activities for the general public.
Events for the scientists themselves should be submitted to Science/Events/Conferences if the event is interdisciplinary, or to appropriate specific categories like Science/Physics/Conferences (all of which are linked from Science/Events/Conferences).