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Prime numbers may be considered as the building blocks of the integers, and the problems of factoring numbers into primes and discovering large primes of various forms have a definite nobility. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, prime numbers may be proven prime without exhaustively testing all potential factors. This category includes links to theoretical information, and organized searches that apply these theorems.
Please submit sites with theoretical content, or sites that apply this theoretical content in the organized search for prime numbers. Software packages that apply these theorems should be listed under the appropriate subcategory.
The various algorithms to determine the primality or compositeness of a number are ideally suited to computer programs, particularly when the numbers are large. This category lists programs designed specifically to search for prime numbers and prove their primality.
Submissions should be for sites related to software programs only. Sites with theoretical content should be submitted to the parent category. Software capable of performing other tasks in addition to primality proving should be considered for Science/Math/Number_Theory/Software.