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Scientific publications include traditional print journals typically intended for professional audiences, printed magazines typically intended for a popular audience, books, and a wide variety of electronic publications. Most publications are listed under subject-specific publications categories that are accessible here via links. URLs listed in this category are primarily for broad-scope journals, magazines, and publishers.
Please find the scientific subcategory most relevant for your site. Most publications are listed under subject-specific publications categories that are accessible here via links. URLs listed in this category are primarily for broad-scope journals, magazines, and publishers.

Please do not submit URLs for individual articles and books to this category.

This category contains institutional electronic archives of scientific publications with interoperability standards (such as those fixed by the OpenArchive intiative).
This category contains
sites of institutional
Electronic Archives
for the scientific domain.

Sites providing free access to full-text papers must be submitted to the proper subcategory Science/Publications/Archives/Free_Access_Online_Archives. Digital libraries providing other kinds of electronic resources and with no interoperability concerns must be submitted to the category Reference/Libraries/Digital

This category includes webpages for single title hard copy books dealing with general science. Also webpages offering multiple scientific titles.
Submit sites for single title books dealing with general science or various science topics that is not to be used for specifically for educational classes.

Sites that offer information about general science books for educational purposes should be submitted to Science/Educational_Resources.

Webpages about publishers of science books, magazines, journals and CD''s should be submitted to Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Publishing/Academic_and_Technical/Science.

Pages about book topics that cover specialized fields of science should be submitted to the appropriate specialty.

Journals are intended for professionals and normally publish reports of original research. The publications listed in the main journals category are those that cover all of the sciences, or a broad range of scientific fields. Journals in the specific sciences are listed in topical subcategories.
Only publications aimed at an audience of scientists will be listed here. Those of interest to a more general audience should be submitted to Science/Publications/Magazines_and_E-zines or to a similar category under a specific field.
Periodicals (electronic, print or both) in Science aimed at a general or popular audience. These publications cover all, or a broad range, of the sciences.
Magazines in specific sciences are listed in the topical subcategories of Science, scientific journals are listed in Journals and general news sites are listed in News.