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This category contains institutional electronic archives of scientific publications with interoperability standards (such as those fixed by the OpenArchive intiative).
This category contains
sites of institutional
Electronic Archives
for the scientific domain.

Sites providing free access to full-text papers must be submitted to the proper subcategory Science/Publications/Archives/Free_Access_Online_Archives. Digital libraries providing other kinds of electronic resources and with no interoperability concerns must be submitted to the category Reference/Libraries/Digital

Electronic Archives listed in this category provide free and unrestricted access to peer reviewed scientific papers and academic publications. Most of these archives run Eprints, a freeware for self-archiving and building OAI compliant metadata for papers.
This category contains sites of institutional Free Access Electronic Archives for the scientific domain.

Sites providing free access to abstract but not to full-text papers must be submitted to Science/Publications/Archives. Electronic Journals offering free full-text access to articles must be submitted to the category Science/Publications/Journals_and_Magazines/Free_Access_Online_Journals

This category contains sites, resources and discussions about interoperability standards for Electronic Open Archives.