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Anthropology is the study of humankind everywhere, throughout time. Anthropology involves the study of people, their origins, biological variations and characteristics, their languages and cultural patterns, their social structures and institutions, and their adaptation to their environment. Anthropologists strive to create useful generalizations about people and their behavior in hopes of bringing about the fullest possible understanding of human diversity. Anthropology is unique among the social sciences because of its comprehensive scope, unique methods, and particular focus on people from non-Western societies.
College and university departments offering anthropology courses.
There are separate categories for many different branches of science. Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Contemporary and historical anthropologists.
The application of anthropology principles to contemporary human problems.
The study of human (and other primate) biological evolution adaptation, and diversity.
To anthropologists, culture is the complex of learned, non-genetic behavior shared by the members of a society. Cultural anthropologists document the cultures of specific societies, and/or compare different societies in order to derive general principles of cultural evolution and human adaptation. It is the emphasis on cross-cultural comparison that helps distinguish cultural anthropology from many other Western social sciences.
Annotated research guides and reference materials for the study of anthropology.
Linguistic anthropology is the holistic study of language in terms of culture. Traditionally, it was concerned with non-Western language and culture. Today, the field embraces the anthropological study of language in all societies.
Please submit only sites which deal with linguistic anthropology to this category.

Sites which are concerned with a single ethnic group should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of


Sites concerned with a specific language or language family should be submitted to


Sites which deal with anthropology in general should be submitted to


Sites which deal with linguistics, or employ primarily linguistic methods, should be submitted to


Sites which deal primarily with cultural anthropology should be submitted to


Sites which deal primarily with questions of dialectology should be submitted to


Discussions and instructions for doing anthropological research.
Professional, academic, and student organizations, institutes and foundations.
Journals and resources for accredited anthropological publications.
Academic publishers and publications serving the anthropological sciences. Please submit only sites concerned with anthropological publications. Only sites in English will be listed here. Sites that are primarily in other languages should be sent to the appropriate language category under World.

This category contains tools for finding scholarly publications in anthropology. The category also contains homepages of publishers whose focus is on academic publications in the field of anthropology. E-zines and other non-traditional publications that have a clear institutional affiliation are welcome in this category.

Most research activities will either occur in academic departments or in research institutes (which may either be in universities or external). Both of these are included in this category.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.