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Catalan is a Gallo-Iberian member of the Italic subgroup of the Indo-European language family spoken by 6.4 million first-language speakers and as many as 10 million speakers in total. Catalan is also known as Català, Bacaves and Catalonian and is one of the group of western neo-Latin languages, together with French, Portuguese and Spanish, the most widely-spoken languages in the same family. Catalan is spoken in a large area (68,000 km2) in the east of Spain (Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Valencia, the Franja - the area in Aragon bordering on Catalonia - and other municipalities in Murcia that border on Valencia), Andorra, the south of France (North Catalonia – the Department of Pyrénées Orientales) and in the Sardinian city of l'Alguer (Alghero). Catalan in all its variants is spoken over an area with a population of 10 million.
University departments restricted to the teaching of the Catalan language and its literature.
Sites devoted to the version of Catalan spoken in the city of Alghero (Alguer in Catalan), on the west coast of the island of Sardinia (Italy).
Sites devoted to the varieties of Catalan spoken in the Balearic Islands: Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza.