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Sites related to
  • Signed languages used in deaf communities.
  • Sign systems used in contact between deaf and hearing people.
  • Signing to hearing children as a language tool.
  • The gestural language used between Native American tribes.
  • Please submit sites specifically about American Sign Language or ASL to that category only.
  • Submit sites relating to the Interpreting profession, to Interpreting.
  • Sites related to Australian Sign Language, or Auslan.
    Sites related to Austrian Sign Language, or Österreichischen Gebärdensprache (OEGS).
    British Sign Language (BSL) is the visual language used by profoundly Deaf people in the UK
    Information about Danish Sign Language, or Dansk Tegnsprog.
    Sites about French Sign Language, or Langue des Signes Française (LSF).
    Sites about German Sign Language, or Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS).
    For practicing interpreters who work between signed and spoken languages or codes, generally between deaf/hard-of-hearing, and hearing people.
    Please submit only sites for practicing sign language interpreters.

    Commercial sites for referral agencies or private practice interpreters should be submitted to Interpreting Services.

    Interpreter organizations and their affiliates should be submitted to Interpreting Associations.

    Groups of interpreters with sub-specializations, or cultural minority status within the field should be submitted to Special Interest Groups.

    Interpreter training sites should be submitted to Education.

    Continuing education opportunities for practicing interpreters should be submitted to Professional Development.

    Deaf ministerial sites should be listed under the particular denomination or locality they serve.

    General or linguistic sites about Sign Languages should be submitted there.

    Sites about Irish Sign Language (ISL).
    Sites related to Italian Sign Language, or Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS).
    Sites about Japanese Sign Language (JSL)
    Sites related to Malaysian Sign Language, or Bahasa Malaysia Isyarat (BMI).
    Sites about Mexican Sign Language, or Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM).
    Sites related to the sign systems for intertribal communication used by Native North Americans who spoke mutually unintelligible languages.
    A new language invented by a group of uneducated deaf Nicaraguan children brought together in the 1980s.
    Sites related to Norwegian Sign Language, or Norsk Sign Language (NSL).
    Sites related to Russian Sign Language, or RSL.
    For sites related to augmenting language input to include signs in order to elicit earlier language development from Hearing children.
    Sites related to the Sign Language of Quebec, or Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ).
    Sites related to the Sign Language of Singapore.
    Sites related to the Sign Language of The Netherlands, or Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT).
    Sites related to Spanish Sign Language, or Lengua de Señas de España (LSE).
    Sites about Swedish Sign Language, or Svenskt Teckenspråk (ST).