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For practicing interpreters who work between signed and spoken languages or codes, generally between deaf/hard-of-hearing, and hearing people.
Please submit only sites for practicing sign language interpreters.

Commercial sites for referral agencies or private practice interpreters should be submitted to Interpreting Services.

Interpreter organizations and their affiliates should be submitted to Interpreting Associations.

Groups of interpreters with sub-specializations, or cultural minority status within the field should be submitted to Special Interest Groups.

Interpreter training sites should be submitted to Education.

Continuing education opportunities for practicing interpreters should be submitted to Professional Development.

Deaf ministerial sites should be listed under the particular denomination or locality they serve.

General or linguistic sites about Sign Languages should be submitted there.

Sites related to professional associations of sign language interpreters.
Interpreter organizations which serve specific cultural, linguistic, or sub-specialty groups should be submitted to Special Interest Groups.

Sites dedicated to certification, licensure, and screening of interpreters at the national and state levels.
For sites related to becoming an interpreter.
  • Interpreter Training and Preparation Programs
  • Interpreter Trainers
  • Interpreting Instruction, Methodology, and Curricula
Sites about learning American Sign Language should be submitted to ASL Education.
Open to personal sites by individual sign language interpreters.
Please submit a professional site advertising interpreting services to Interpreting Services.
Sites related to continuing education and skill building of practicing sign language interpreters.
Sites about learning ASL should be submitted to ASL Education.
Because sign language interpreting is by nature an in-person service, most sites should be listed regionally. This is in contrast to spoken language interpreting categories, which can be listed topically because interpreting and translating of written languages are often performed remotely. Please only submit your site here if you do not have a specific location in which you provide services.
Sites related to sub-specializations and recognized minority status communities within the interpreting field.
General interpreter organizations should be submitted to Interpreting Associations.