Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between linguistic behaviour and social situations, roles, and functions. Rather than concentrating on individuals, sociolinguistics is centered on the speech community; defined as any group of people who share some set of social conventions, or sociolinguistic norms, for language use. This relationship between language and society encompasses a wide variety of social situations--from international relations to interpersonal relationships.
Links pertaining to dialects should be submitted to Language_and_Linguistics/Dialectology/ Links pertaining to "ebonics," or African-American Vernacular, should be submitted to /Language_and_Linguistics/Natural_Languages/Pidgins_and_Creoles/English_Based/North_American_Black_English/ Links pertaining to pidgin and creole languages should be submitted to /Language_and_Linguistics/Natural_Languages/Pidgins_and_Creoles/
All other links relating to the language and culture are welcome, including ethnography and language variation and change.