2. This category is intended to service aerospace technical professionals and academia. Any non-commercial or commercial sites that deal with aerospace technologies and that are of general use to this community of professionals are acceptable.
3. This category differs from the Science/Technology/Space category in that the latter will also include many sites of interest to amateur space enthusiasts and lay people. This category and the space category may duplicate some listings for the major resources (such as NASA), but the goal is to minimize this duplication and cross-reference where possible.
4. Sites relating to the natural world beyond the earth, and the instruments used to study it, should be submitted to Science/Astronomy.
5. Sites relating to the study of weather and atmospheric phenomena should be submitted to either Science/Earth_Sciences/Meteorology or Science/Earth_Sciences/Atmospheric_Physics.
Suppliers of products or services should submit their sites to an appropriate category in our Business section. Specific links to which can usually be found as an @linked sub category of this main category, or in the list of related categories.
If a site is primarily about technology transfer, applied research or partnerships with the food industry, it should be submitted to Business/Food_and_Related_Products or an appropriate sub-category.
Sites about the nutritional values of foods and their contribution to a balanced diet, or public service information about food safety, should be submitted to Home/Consumer_Information/Food_and_Drink/ or one of the related categories.
Sites concerned with the relationship between diet and health should be submitted to Health/Nutrition/ or one of its sub-categories.
Utilization of food by the body is covered by Health/Nutrition/ or Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and_Metabolism_Disorders/.
If your site is not in English, please submit to World/.
This is a category for reference sites, definitions, and case studies relating to Industrial Engineering. Only informational sites will be listed.
Only sites in English are listed here. If your site has an English version give the URL of that version. Sites in other languages should be submitted to the language category under World.
Sites of Industrial engineering, trading, and manufacturing firms should be submitted to the appropriate category in the Business section of the directory.
Please submit sites here that inform about the technology, methods and tools used by the lighting designer and other background material. Please also consider if you might better submit a more specific site to one of the subcategories Daylighting, Associations, Magazines or Education instead.
Please do NOT submit sites about lighting products here. There are categories in the Business tree of the directory that are better suited for this purpose, like: Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Tools_and_Equipment/Lighting OR Business/Construction_and_Maintenance/Materials_and_Supplies/Electrical/Lighting or one of the subcategories.
Some examples of these are product development, prototyping, and virtual reality applications.
Sites related to specific technologies involved in manufacturing should be submitted to appropriate categories, such as categories for materials science, chemical engineering, mathematical modeling, quality engineering, and CAD/CAM.
Sites for manufacturers will not be listed here. Submit to the applicable category in Business.
This category is intended for information about the field of mechanical engineering such as technical data sources, academic departments and professional societies.
Metrology is the scientific study of measurement.
Legal metrology is the part of metrology where regulations are implemented in order to ensure an appropriate level of credibility in measurement results, whenever conflicting interests exist, or when incorrect measurement results may adversely affect individuals or society itself.
Please check that your site is not purely describing a company manufacturing tools, or directly servicing industry.
If it is, it should be suggested to Business: Industrial Goods and Services: Machinery and Tools: Industrial Metrology.
Defense contractor sites should be submitted to Business: Aerospace and Defense/.
Defense contractor sites should be submitted to Business: Aerospace and Defense/.
Please provide your full email address so we can contact you.
The "Anarchist''s Cook Book" is not a suitable submission.
Neither is any site advocating the over throw of any government.
Sites about "burning things up" or fire or "Molotov Cocktails" no matter how slick will not be accepted.
Commercial sites listing fireworks or pyrotechnic material for sale or distribution are not accepted.
Submission Tips:
Thank-you for your cooperation.
Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.Companies selling products for use by structural engineers should submit their listings in the Business category. Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/Engineering/Structural/ is probably the most appropriate.
Consultants should submit to the appropriate consulting sub-category under Business. e.g. Consulting
Please submit your site to the most appropriate category. Submitting to an incorrect category may delay review of your site.
Please submit only websites that have English language content to this category and its subcategories. If your site is in a language other than English, please submit it to the appropriate category of World.
Commercial sites (such as sites selling/describing broadcast or receiver products) will not be added to this category. These sites should be submitted to the appropriate Business category.
Please submit your site in Media Production if you produce for television or offer services closely related to television production.
If you are a manufacturer of components or products related to television, apply for a listing at Electronic Manufacturing.
For sites related to broadcast journalism information, news and issues, apply for a listing at News/Media/Broadcast or at News/Media/Industry_News.
Sites with no welding technical content or employment information will not be listed here.
Business, industrial, or sales sites should be submitted to an appropriate Business category.