This category is for general electronics reference materials or materials that would apply to several different electronics topics. Some examples would be lists of formulae, theorems, online encyclopedias, and handbooks.
Please submit here only reference web pages that cover broad areas of electronics or those that would apply to several different electronics topics. Topic-specific electronics references should be listed in the appropriate sub-category. This category is not intended for listing manufacturers and distributors of electronic devices or components as well as service providers, which should instead be listed in the appropriate business category.
This category is for general electronics datasheet archives, application notes and white papers.
Please submit only sites that cover components from a broad range of manufacturers. This category is not intended for listing particular manufacturer'' datasheets and application notes, which may instead be listed in the respective business categories unless they are of general interest and can be useful even if you are using a component from a different manufacturer.
The BASIC Stamp is a microcontroller with a specialized BASIC interpreter (PBASIC) built into ROM. It has been quite popular with electronics hobbyists due to its ease of use. This category is for reference materials related to BASIC Stamp.
This category is for integrated circuit datasheet archives, general application notes and white papers.
Please submit only sites that cover chips from a broad range of manufacturers. This category is not intended for particular manufacturer'' datasheets and application notes, which may instead be listed in the respective business categories unless they are of general interest and can be useful even if you are using a component from a different manufacturer.
This category contains listings of tubes, circuits, data sheets, and replacement guides. You will also find some sites that have vacuum tube design data and theory.
This category contains various sites with tables or information on wire gauges, conversion between various types of wire gauges and their measurement.