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This category lists the sites of individual craftspeople who create doll clothing by hand and sell them to the public. In order to be listed in this category, the site must represent an individual craftperson and his or her products.
This category lists the sites of individual craftspeople who create doll clothing by hand and sell them to the public. In order to be listed in this category, the site must represent an individual craftperson and his or her products.

Sites offering mass-produced items for children''s play should be listed in Shopping: Toys and Games: Dolls.

Accessories and clothing for 11.5 inch tall dolls, such as Barbie dolls.
Submit only clothing and accessories for 11.5 inch tall dolls. This category does not include furniture or other furnishings.
Clothes and Accessories for 18 inch tall dolls such as American Girl, Goetz (Gotz), Magic Attic, Apple Valley, Lissi, Heidi Ott, Girl on the Go, Savannah, Faithful Friends, Liberty Landing, and Springfield Collection.
Submit only sites dealing with clothes and accessories for 18 inch tall dolls.
Includes sites that provide special order or custom-sized clothes and accessories.
Submit only sites that provide only custom-sized or special order items for dolls.