If the site only offers wholesale and not to the general public, please submit it to Wholesale Crafts Supplies
Shopping/Crafts/Supplies/Fiber_Arts and its subcategories.
If the site offers other craft supplies besides for lacemaking, please list in:
Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Fiber_Arts: Needlework
If the site only offers wholesale and not to the general public, please submit it to Wholesale Crafts Supplies
Sites that specialize in supplies for a single needlework technique, such as needlepoint, or cross stitch should be listed in the appropriate subcategory of this category.
If site has nothing to sell, but has pertinent needlepoint information, help or free patterns, please submit to
If the site only offers wholesale and not to the general public, please submit it to Wholesale Crafts Supplies
Please note that no sites will be added directly in the Fiber Arts: Quilting category. Please add the site under the alphanumeric letter/number corresponding to the first letter/numeral in the business name. Failure to do so may delay the listing of the site.
If the site only offers wholesale and not to the general public, please submit it to Wholesale Crafts Supplies
If the site being submitted pertains to a specific sewing craft, please submit it to the respective sub-category.
If the site only offers wholesale and not to the general public, please submit it to Wholesale Crafts Supplies
For shops selling only knitting/crochet, please submit to https://curlie.org/Shopping/Crafts/Supplies/Fiber_Arts/Yarn_Arts/Knitting_and_Crochet/
For shops selling only spinning, please submit to
For shops selling only weaving supplies, please submit to