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This category was made for the online dealers in anime merchandise that aren't necessarily primary companies. None of these dealers are endorsed by Curlie, let the buyer beware.
Any submissions to this category should list their business name as their site title and give a brief description of the goods it provides. Affiliates should not apply, and only one listing per web site/shopping service will be accepted.
This subcategory was created for anime cel only sites, or sites that sold primarily cels. Commission sites for fan cels are also welcome here.
Listings in Shopping/Entertainment/Television_and_Movies/Animation_and_Cartoons/Anime/Cels/ are for sites primarily selling cels.

For personal collections on display, or for further information on cels, please refer to Arts/Animation/Anime/Collectibles/Cels/.

Cosplay, derived from "Costume Play", is used to refer to costumes intended to look like the attire of a favorite anime character. This category is for sites offering such costumes (or patterns for such costumes) for sale.
Shopping sites for cosplay costumes.

For a site to be listed in any Shopping category, the site must
(1) Have published prices.
(2) Have a method of ordering, by use of the Internet, phone, fax, or mail.
(3) Ship to more than one country, or, if in the United States, ship to a large part of the United States.

If the site offers merchandise only for characters of a particular anime series, please consider the category for the appropriate series under Shopping/.../Anime. If the site offers a significant collection of anime merchandise other than costumes, please consider the appropriate letter category of Shopping/.../Anime. If the site offers a significant collection of costumes other than anime-inspired costumes, please consider Shopping/Clothing/Costumes/Science_Fiction_and_Fantasy or Shopping/Clothing/Costumes/.

Submission to the wrong category will only delay your listing in the correct category.

For online stores selling Dragon Ball goods.
For sites concentrating on the sale of anime DVDs. These sites are not for fansubs or fandubs; please see Arts/Animation/Anime/Fandom/Fan_Subtitled/ and Arts/Animation/Anime/Fandom/Fan_Dubbed/ for sites pertaining to those subjects.

This category is for Japanese Sci-Fi and anime resin model shops only. For other Japanese models and merchandises shops please submit your site to:

For sites selling themed merchandise from the anime Sailor Moon.